The Caster Chronicles Wiki

This shop belonged to the Bokor and is located under Marie Laveau's tomb in New Orleans.


The walls are lined with shelves that housed cracked leather volumes and glass jars filled with both dead and living things. One jar holds bat wings and another container was brimming with animal teeth; others with snakeskin and claws. Smaller, unlabeled bottles are brimming held murky liquids and dark powders. Huge toads push against the walls of the glass jars, desperate to get out. Snakes slide over one another, piled inside terrariums coated with thick dust. Live bats hang from the tops of rusty wiry cages. A scratched table sits in the center of the room and a strange altar in the corner, surrounded by candles, carvings, and a stick of licorice and gasoline-scented incense.
